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"Jordan Street Bandits(movies)" starring Hamid Goodarzi and Shafiei Jam, hits the screens

According to the news agency of Iranian cinema, with the addition of several other prominent actors, the filming of this film, which is a product of Shokoufa Film Cultural and

Artistic Institute, will begin in Tehran next week. I predict that this film, which has an intriguing story, will be one of the best-selling works of the coming year.

Referring to "Jordan Street Bandits(movies)" as a social comedy, it aims to address one of the important societal issues, which is drug addiction, and presents this theme in a sweet manner.

Babaian noted that among the other members involved in the film so far are Kian Babaian as the project manager, Mehdi Darabi as the sound recorder, Hossein Yazdi as the makeup artist, Sina Hosseini as the production assistant, and Ali Sajjadi as the planner and assistant director.

"Jordan Street Bandits(movies)" is a loose adaptation of Ernst Lubitsch's comedy film "Trouble in Paradise" and portrays the story of two small-time thieves who attempt to pull off a big job.

Vahid Eslami, a film critic and writer, has previously directed films such as "Elegy of a Dream," "Iranian Roulette," and "Tree of Dreams."

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