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Improve the screening conditions of the film "My Son, the rasool" to prevent cultural invasion

Nabi Ghelichkhani, the director of the film "My Son, the rasool," which is participating in the competition section of the 34th Children and Youth Film Festival, said in an interview with the cinema reporter of Saba News Agency: "Considering my

interest in the field of children and youth, I chose this area for my activities."

He added, "Today's children and youth are more interested in discovering truth and identity for themselves compared to previous generations. In other words, they have a greater sense of curiosity, and as a filmmaker, I tried to create a proper model for them through making films in this field. I aimed to prevent cultural invasions and inappropriate Western patterns for children and youth by doing so."

Gholizadeh emphasized the need to pay attention to the screening of children's films and stated: "If we can provide a suitable platform for screening films in this genre and ensure a return on investment for the producers, I believe we can witness the growth of this cinematic style in the coming years with the entry of more filmmakers."

At the end, the filmmaker thanked all the individuals who supported him in the production of this film and said: "I express my utmost gratitude and appreciation to everyone who assisted me in making this film, including Mustafa Rezvani, the director of the Film and TV Group of Channel 5."

The story is summarized as follows: The father is in an unfortunate condition. Rasoul has to go to Kerman for an important matter, but in the middle of the way, a great secret is revealed to him...


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